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Tonle SapBayon TempleTa Prohom


Cambodia is a country full of children, and so it only makes sense that children should be able to enjoy themselves as well. Enjoy an active holiday with the kids, with just enough adventure to keep them interested, and enough time to relax and enjoy the pool or a Khmer style massage. This adventure combines some of the best parts of Siem Reap and offers some truly unique experiences for kids that they might not get anywhere else. Cycle through the jungles surrounding the incredible Angkor Wat, practice speaking a little Khmer in the marketplace and journey to the serene Phnom Bok in the evening time, before enjoying the real Siem Reap night market. Our last day is a truly unique experience: kayaking Tonle Sap and visiting the famous floating villages that make their living off of the enormous lake. It’s certain to make an unforgettable experience for the entire family.


Day 01 Siem Reap arrival


Arrive this afternoon at the Siem Reap International Airport where your English speaking guide will be waiting to meet you. Once we’re all checked in, we’ll go out tonight for dinner at Champey, located in the downtown area otherwise known as Pshar Cha (Old Market).

Afterward, we’ll take in an evening show from Phare. Known around town as the Cambodian circus, it is anything but a traditional big top. A nonprofit school for the arts, Phare is a demonstration of the graduate students’ acrobatic ability, and it has more in common with Cirque du Soleil with exceptionally talented players acting out anything from Cambodian folklore to the very real history of the Khmer Rouge. It’s a must see for anyone in Siem Reap.

Distance and journey time: Transfer: 30 minutes

Day 02 Siem Reap ~ Angkor Wat (cycling)


After breakfast this morning, we’ll meet with the guides and prepare for our journey through the jungles of Angkor.

W e begin with a visit to Ta Prohm temple (a setting of one of the Tomb Raider films), built in the mid-12th to early 13th centuries. Ta Prohm is unique in that it has been left largely as it was found: overgrown by jungle, trees and vines, with many parts of the temple crumbling to the ground. This makes Ta Prohm one of the most picturesque and memorable of the Angkor temples.

We’ll continue from Ta Prohm to the ancient city of Angkor Thom. This was the last capital of the Great Khmer Empire under the reign of Jayavarman VII. An eight meter high wall draws a perfect square around the city ruin. Enter through the ancient East Gate. On each side of the entrance path a row of fifty-four gods and demons hold the sacred Naga snake of Hindu lore.

From here, continue to Bayon Temple in the exact center of the city. This 12th century masterpiece is a study in grandeur and is well-known for its fifty-four towers with enigmatic faces representing the fifty-four provinces of the Great Khmer Empire. The Terrace of the Elephants and the Terrace of the Leper King are also must-visits as they are both known for their intricate bas-reliefs.

Return later to the famous Angkor Wat. Built during the reign of King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century, Angkor Wat is constructed following the model of the temple mountain symbolizing Mount Meru, the home of the gods. Inside the temple, the walls are covered with stone carvings and bas-reliefs depicting Hindu mythology and the wars Suryavarman II fought during his reign. Angkor Wat is well known for the more than 2,000 Apsara dancers decorating the temple. Construction is thought to have taken around thirty years of intensive labor. Today, Angkor Wat is figured on Cambodia's national flag as the temple symbolizes the soul of the Khmer people.

With the day finished, it’s time to return to the hotel. Tonight we’ll enjoy dinner at The Grey, an Asian style BBQ.

Distance and journey time: 30 minutes
Cycling distance: 35km
Difficulty: Easy

Day 03 Siem Reap ~ Phnom Bok (Trekking)


This morning you are free to enjoy a little time off to relax. Spend a little time by the pool. We’ll rejoin our guide for lunch at Marum restaurant, a local social program that helps train Cambodian people in restaurant service.

After lunch we’ll start our lesson for today with Say! Khmer. We’ll begin with a short introductory lesson to some of the basic words in Khmer (the Cambodian national language). Afterward we’ll take a tuk-tuk ride to Pshar Leu and try our hand at bartering for our snacks today. In Cambodia, barter is quite common, and a fun experience filled with laughter.

Once we’ve finished at the market, we’ll head out to one of the less-visited temples in Angkor, Phnom Bok. About 25km from Siem Reap, this temple sits atop a 200m hill with a commanding view of the countryside and a beatiful ruins to explore. Here we’ll stop for another short lesson while the shadows get a bit longer.

After our visit, it’s a trip through the countryside, where we can see the locals going about their daily lives. We’ll return to Siem Reap and stop off at the Night Market—a nightly market where the locals come to shop and enjoy some time with their families.

Dinner tonight will be served at Mahob, not far from the night market.

Distance and journey time:
Transfer: 03 hours
Trekking: 01 hour
Difficulty: Very Easy


Day 04 Siem Reap ~ Kampong Kheang ~ departure (Kayaking)


This morning we’ll take advantage of the cool morning and wake early. Our destination today is the famous Tonle Sap. Tonlé Sap is South East Asia’s largest freshwater lake with its size varying greatly depending on the season, as it is swelling to about four times its size during the wet season.

Today we’ll explore this magnficent natural marvel by kayak. These two seat kayaks are one of the best ways to see the lakes, as they can go where the noisy, long tailed boats cannot. We’ll paddle through sunken fields and floating forests to the village of Kampong Kleang, where we’ll enjoy lunch at a local stilted home. Then it’s back to shore.

When we return to Siem Reap this afternoon and transfer to the airport for your onward flight.

Distance and journey time:
Transfer: 02 hours
Kayaking: 3-4 hours
Difficulty: Easy



Have a nice holidays!

Remarks :
Every effort will be made to adhere to the planned itinerary.  However, due to weather conditions and reasons beyond our control, changes to the itinerary might occur, for which the company accepts no responsibility.

An itinerary may at times be altered by our guides due to local conditions, the skill of participants and other unexpected circumstances. Our priority is always the experience and safety of our clients.




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